IPBA Dancing the Night Away

NOTE: If you have a perfume bottle or vanity item that contributes to this theme, please submit it to our Virtual Museum, and we will add it to this page. See Submission Guidelines.

Return for more Youthful Fantasies Brought to Life.

Did you ever dream of being a ballerina? Or dancing in the New Year at a ball?

Unfortunately with the pandemic, we were not able to go to parties and dance in the New Year for 2021 or 2022, although a few may have ventured out to dance in the New Year for 2023. We can feed our dance fantasies using a surprising number of perfume and vanity items that feature all types of dancing including: ballet, can-can, fandango, fox trot, samba, swing, tap, and waltz, as well as ethnic dances and dancing nymphs.

NOTE: Viewing the details of the pictured items is a members-only privilege. See ALL the benefits of becoming an IPBA memberand Join Us!

International Perfume Bottle Association
Incorporated in Illinois, USA

© International Perfume Bottle Association