All times are USA Eastern Time, and subject to change prior to convention.
Follow the links to see more details about individual events.
1:00 pm: Welcome Video from the IPBA Board Members
1:00 pm onward: Grand Opening — Online Showroom!
9:00 am 9:30 am: Recap Yesterday and Review Today’s Events — Live!
10:00 am – 10:45 am: International Attendees Welcome session – Live!
11:00 am – 12:00 pm: First Time Convention Attendees Meeting
11:00 am Begins: Voting Begins on Perfume Bottle Design Competition and Chapter Challenge
12:00 pm Begins Collecting Perfume Bottles, Compacts, Purses & Other Vanity Items 101— Prerecorded
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Vanity Table Talks (session 1) — Live!
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm: Vanity Table Talks (session 2) — Live!
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Vanity Table Talks (session 3) — Live!
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Happy Hour Chat Hosted by IPBA President, Terri Chappell-Boyd — Live!
7:30 pm Begins: Grand Tour of Musée Lalique — an IPBA Exclusive!
8:30 pm Begins: Czechoslovakian Perfume Bottles from the 1918 – 1938 era – Prerecorded
FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 2021
8:00 am – 8:30 am: Recap Yesterday and Review Today’s Events — Live!
9:00 am – 10:15 am: Artistic Miniatures, Compacts 1925 – 1960 — Live!
10:30 am – 12:00 pm: English Cameo Glass Perfume Bottles — Live!
12:15 pm – 1:30 pm: Break for Lunch – Zoom with Friends — Open Forum
2:00 pm – 3:15 pm: Ephemera – Perfume Houses, History Preserved Through Ephemera — Live!
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm: A Century of Perfume from the Harrach Glassworks — Live!
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm: Auction Preview — Live!
7:30 pm Begins: Video Tour of Helen Farnsworth’s Collection — an IPBA Exclusive!
8:00 am – 8:30 am Recap Yesterday and Review Todays Events — Live!
9:00 am Begins: Gadget Canes – Expanded video
10:00 am – 11:30 am How to use the IPBA Website for Research – workshop — Live!
12:00 pm Begins: Perfume Bottles Auction — Live from New York City!
9:00 pm Begins: Perfume Passage Tour — an IPBA Exclusive!
9:00 pm Closing: Voting ends for the Perfume Bottle Design Competition and Chapter Challenge
SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2021
8:00 am – 9:00 am: Love or Obsession? Anna Leventeri Guiness World Record Holder – Live!
9:00 am – 9:30 am Recap Yesterday and Review Todays Events — Live!
10:00 am – 12:00 pm Treasures Found — Live!
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Business Meeting — Live!
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Specialty Group Meetings – Live!
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm: Recap and Windup of Convention – Live!
* Note: All times and events are subject to change: please refer to the final program schedule available at convention.
Thursday April 29 at 11 AM
Your first convention can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re here to help you have the very best experience. Mentors and the IPBA Board Members will be on hand to welcome you and answer any questions you may have. Learn about the various events and the benefits of membership. For further information, contact Barbara W. Miller, [email protected] or (+1) 239-594-7018.

Viewing available throughout the Convention. Voting ends Saturday, May 1 at 9 pm EST. Winners will be announced Sunday, May 2nd at the Annual IPBA Business Meeting. The IPBA sponsors this original event. Don’t miss the creative works of some truly talented designers and artists!
Cast your vote for your favorite design. We’ve received fabulous entries in the past from all over the world. Why not express yourself and put your artistic eye to the test while having fun too! Competition Rules are located on our website.

CATEGORIES: Chapter Group Photo … or … Individual Photo
Chapter members must be shown wearing masks for both categories; a different mask from Group may be worn for Individual photos.
Groups: maximum of 16 members per screen; if the number of participating members extends to more than one screen, multiple shots may be submitted.
Individuals: the chapter submits individual photos of the top three members wearing their masks.
Viewing available throughout the Convention. One vote per convention-goer in each category; ballots will be signed to ensure no ballot stuffing. Voting ends Saturday, May 1, 2021, at 9 pm EST; Winners announced Sunday, May 2 at the Annual Meeting.
SEND JPEGs to Barbara W. Miller: [email protected] — DEADLINE: MARCH 30, 2021

Thursday, April 29 at 12:30, 1:45, and 3 PM
We have new and interesting Vanity Table Talks lined up with some still in development. These are casual discussions in a small group setting. There are three sessions this year. Two events per one-hour session so attend your favorite one live and (if the presenter agrees) we will record the sessions and post them on our Event App so you can view the ones you missed at leisure. Come, share & learn!
Featured Table Talks include:
Session 1:
• “Dating an Antique Scent Bottle” hosted by Monica Magnani. Monica, a Consultant of the Museum of Palazzo Mocenigo – Study Center for History of Textiles, Costume and Perfume and Curator for the Perfume Collection in Venice, Italy, has been exhibiting part of her collection at the Museum for the past 4 years.
• “Chanel Snow Globes” presented by Rusty Hernandez Sanfilippo. Rusty, co-owner of Perfume Passage, has found a new interest in these beautiful Chanel Snow Globes. Join Rusty for a lighthearted look at the artistry and the ins and outs of the Chanel Snow Globes and their advertising.
Session 2:
• “Collecting Vintage Magazine Advertising” – presented by Joan Turco. Joan has been collecting vintage magazine advertising for over 26 years and will share some of her wonderful and vast collection along with the do’s and don’ts of ephemera.
• “Houbigant in the Gilded Age” hosted by Kevin Verspoor in a special collaboration with the American Society of Perfumers. He will be talking about the House of Houbigant, the only fragrance house that has existed through four centuries of history.
Session 3:
• “Vintage & Antique Purses – Show and Tell” – facilitated by Maya DeBus and Carlann Matz. Maya and Carlann, members of the Antique Purse Collectors Society, would like everyone to join them for a show and tell session. Bragging is allowed.
• “Identification Through Atomizer Hardware” – facilitated by Shari Hopper. Shari, one of our IPBA experts, will have a discussion on identifying your atomizer hardware. Please bring your questions and show us your hardware.

Thursday, April 28 at 6:00 – 7:000 PM
Just as we have traditionally gathered at our Conventions before our Showroom opens to recap our day, and catch up with our friends, Terri will reminisce with you about previous Conventions and she might share a little of her collection. Terri is our IPBA President, a member of the IPBA since 1994 and is also the longtime leader of the Lone Star Chapter of the IPBA. Terri has worked in the cosmetic industry for many years and was a trainer for Elizabeth Arden. Terri is an avid collector and authority on Elizabeth Arden perfumes and vanity items.
NOTE: Terri is creating a one-of-a-kind mixed drink, a recipe she will share with us, both fully leaded and unleaded for just this occasion. This should help get things started!
Wednesday April 28 at 1 PM onward
One of the cornerstones of our convention — and for many members, one of the primary reasons to attend the convention is to build their collections by purchasing quality perfume and vanity items from our reputable sellers in the exhibitor showroom. This year our Perfume Bottle and Vintage Vanity Show will be a virtual event. It will still be the world’s premier exhibition and sale with the field’s leading dealers featuring thousands of bottles, compacts and ladies’ vanity items!
The online Showroom will be open for the entire convention, and if you are registered for the convention, you will have access to all of the online “booths,” shopping to your hearts content! The App we are using will also allow us to keep the online shops open until August 1, 2021.
Facts and features about the online showroom:
• Cost is $225 per exhibitor
• Each exhibitor will be able to upload photos, descriptions and a video about their items for sale
• Exhibitors can add or remove items at any time during the convention through August 1
• “Booth” hours are established by each exhibitor
• Exhibitors determine their contact information: text, phone, email, Facetime
• All transactions and methods of payment and shipping costs are completely private between seller and buyer
An exciting aspect of our virtual showroom is that IPBA members from around the world can participate as an exhibitor. In addition, exhibitors are fully responsible for their transactions and there are no additional fees once an item is sold. The online showroom exhibitors will abide by the IPBA Code of Ethics set out in our By-Laws. “Booths” will become available to exhibitors as soon as registration and exhibitor fees are paid to convention chair Teri Wirth. For further information or questions about becoming a virtual showroom exhibitor, please contact Showroom Chair, Andra Behrendt at [email protected]

April 29 at 7:30 PM
Hosted by Musée Lalique, Wingen-sur-Moder, France (
This IPBA exclusive is available only during Convention 33, and is only presented in English.
Created in the village where René Lalique set up his glassworks in 1921, the Musée Lalique’s ambition is to introduce the general public to Lalique’s art in all of its diversity, with the accent on works in glass and crystal. Jewellery, drawings, perfume bottles, tableware items, chandeliers, radiator mascots and vases … The Musée Lalique displays more than 650 exceptional pieces created by René Lalique and his heirs. From the jewellery to the crystal including glass, it is a world of light and transparency.
Each morning, we’ll devote 30 minutes to recapping the highlights of the previous day’s events and provide a quick review of today’s scheduled events — so pour a fresh cup and get ready to start the day!

Friday April 30 at 9:00 – 10:15 AM
Hosted by Howard W. Melton
The Paris Exposition in 1925 led to an explosion of modern design, which we now describe as Art Deco. One result was to turn many of the powder compacts created in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s into miniature works of art. This presentation explores a wide range of modern and avant-garde compact designs from this earlier period through the 1950’s.

Friday April 30 at 10:30 AM – Noon
Hosted by Barbara W. Miller, Gayle Syers, Vic Weinstein
Join Barbara, Gayle and Vic as they present an exploration of the most glorious three decades of English artistic glass. The great variety of sizes, shapes, colors and designs will be explored along with practical information on Fakes, Mistakes and Repairs.

Friday April 30 at 2:00 – 3:15 PM
Hosted by Jeffrey Sanfilippo
Ephemera or any transitory written or printed matters are not meant to be retained or preserved. The word derives from the Greek ephemeros, meaning “lasting only one day, short-lived”. But for collectors and researchers, ephemera has a different meaning. Written or printed materials are long-lasting artifacts that capture the beauty and history of perfumes and vanity items.
This presentation will take you on a journey to discover perfume houses and bottle manufacturers through the lens of ephemera including labels, envelopes, catalogs, posters, ads and cards. Some of the materials you will see may be the only remaining document of a long-gone perfume company or image of a bottle. Ephemera is a great way to help identify items you may have in your collection or provide valuable historical references for educational purposes. And the exquisite designs and graphics of printed materials are a visual treasure to experience.

Friday April 30 at 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Hosted by Brian Severn
Leveraging his research from two summers spent at the Harrach Glassworks with unfettered access to their records archive, and museum collection of over 5,000 pieces of glass Brian will discuss and present his research showing Harrach perfume bottles that span a period of over a century. The research presented will include an introduction to the Harrach Glassworks with a brief history, background around the research project that orchestrated, as well as many examples from their factory design books, sales photos, original artwork, and of course actual examples of their perfume bottles and related boudoir table articles. This research has never before been shown to the public.

Friday, April 30 at 5:30 – 7:00 PM
Hosted by Ken Leach
The annual IPBA auction will feature 200 curated items — many undocumented, others you’ve only dreamed of. Join us for this live walk-through prior to the actual event. Catalogs will be available in early April.
For more information, contact Ken Leach:
Phone: 917-881-8747
eMail: [email protected]

Friday, April 30 at 7:30 PM
Hosted by Helen Farnsworth, Roanoke, Virginia, USA
We are all cordially invited into the home of Helen and Craig Farnworth to see their incredible perfume collection. Helen is a collector and historian of perfume. She has a large commercial bottle and perfume ephemera collection. Helen has an extensive library of perfume related publications and maintains an on-line database for her ready reference. She is our IPBA Archivist. Helen answers questions directed to the IPBA website and is a contributor to the IPBA virtual museum and to the PBQ. The tour will feature cabinets, drawers, wall displays, and various secret cubby holes. Helen and Craig are eager to share with us their love of displaying perfume bottles and associated vanity items and antiques. They are looking forward to our visit.

Thursday April 29 at Noon
Hosted by Terri Chappell-Boyd
This prerecorded presentation gives an overview of the glittering perfume bottle and vanity item collecting world, and is a great beginner’s guide. If you think you’ve seen it before, you might want to revisit this newly updated and revamped version.

Saturday May 1 at 9 AM
Hosted by Rusty Hernandez Sanfilippo
Rusty recently released a wonderful video on “Gadget Canes” as he has quite a collection that you will be able to see when visiting Perfume Passage. His original video covered just a few of these intriguing and interesting canes many of which have vanity items within them. Rusty is creating an exclusive expanded version on this topic. You know this will be fun!

Saturday May 1 at 10:00 – 11:30 AM
Hosted by Virginia Merrill
Virginia Merrill, our IPBA Webmaster, will be giving an overview of the beautiful new IPBA website, and will delve into the Virtual Museum and all of its new features and research capabilities. Explore our Company Histories, Catalogs, and the threads that tie it all together.

Saturday May 1 at 12:00 pm EST start time
Hosted by Ken Leach
This year’s annual IPBA auction features 200 carefully curated items — many undocumented, others you’ve only been dreaming of. Bidding options include,, order bid, and limited phone bidding. There will be an auction walk-through prior to the event.
For information, contact Ken Leach:
Phone: 917-881-8747
eMail: [email protected]

Saturday May 1 at 9 PM
Hosted by Perfume Passage, Barrington Hills, Illinois, USA
We travel to one of the most intriguing places we know of – the home of two of our wonderful IPBA members, Jeffrey Sanfilippo and Rusty Hernandez Sanfilippo. We are going to view this location as never before seen and be treated to some of their newest additions. Be prepared to be dazzled and awe struck as we cast off and visit one of our favorite places on earth.
Preserving the history, beauty, and artistry of perfume bottles, compacts, ephemera and related vanity items, the Perfume Passage Foundation seeks to educate and inspire visitors by illuminating the connection between perfume and the human experience. DO NOT MISS this exceptional virtual tour!

Sunday May 2 at 10:00 AM – 12 PM
Hosted by Jeffrey Sanfilippo, Susan Arthur, and Afonso Oliveira
One of our most popular events at any convention and the 2021 convention will be no different. This event is entertaining, educational, sometimes quite lively, but always interesting. This is the event where our panel of experts unlock the secrets of those items in your collection you have questions about. Like “What is it?” or “Where is it from” or other questions you might have. Our audience is pretty brilliant and knowledgeable too. We encourage everyone to participate.
This year we are asking our members to submit photos and fill out a short questionnaire about the items they want to know something about. This will allow us to prepare in advance and share your photos. The Treasures Found form is included in your packet. You may submit items immediately as we are hoping to get a jump start on things. Please be advised the IPBA does not value items. Susan Arthur is organizing this event so you may reach out to her with any questions at [email protected].

Sunday May 2, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Hosted by Mrs. Anna Leventeri
Meet the holder of the Guiness World
Records for the largest perfume collection!
Please attend this informative session and learn what’s new with the IPBA, elect a new slate of Officers for 2021-2023 Term, vote on By-Law changes, find out the who the winners are for the Perfume Bottle Design Competition, and the Chapter Challenge, be on hand to see what awards if any are given out this year and enjoy a sneak peak into our 2022 Convention Venue.
Sunday May 2 at 3:00 – 5:00 PM
Use this opportunity to connect with your fellow specialty collectors — the perfect way to round out our 2021 Virtual Convention! We will be able to set up break out rooms for each group. Specialty Groups will include:
Czech: Real or Repo? – facilitated by Marsha Crafts
Perfume Burners – facilitated by Jeffrey Sanfilippo
Compacts – facilitated by Howard Melton

This year’s convention pin can be ordered during convention registration.
Prior year pins may be ordered by emailing Phyllis Dohanian: [email protected]
Payment may be made through Paypal – [email protected]
Or send check or money order to: IPBA Treasurer
c/o Colleen Barrick
100 Orchard Lane
Fieldbrook, CA 95519 USA
Please inquire with Phyllis Dohanian if you would like a convention pin not shown here.