IPBA Sounds and Perfumes Swirl in the Evening Air - Baudelaire

NOTE: If you have a perfume bottle or vanity item that contributes to this theme, please submit it to our Virtual Museum, and we will add it to this page. See Submission Guidelines.

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Passion can be inspired by both music and perfume. Many vanity items, perfume bottles, presentations, and advertisements play upon a musical theme. Instruments depicted include pianos, violins, cellos, harps, drums, cymbals, guitar, trumpet, accordion, mandolin, and more …

Did you ever play a musical instrument? Perhaps dream of giving a classical concert at Carnegie Hall? Or a rock concert at Madison Square Gardens? Would one of the items below have appealed to your dream of being a musician?

NOTE: Viewing the details of the pictured items is a members-only privilege. See ALL the benefits of becoming an IPBA memberand Join Us!

International Perfume Bottle Association
Incorporated in Illinois, USA

© International Perfume Bottle Association