We are the world’s foremost association devoted to the education, promotion, and collection of perfume bottles and vanity items. We’re glad you’re here. Explore our site! Become a member (with benefits)! Join our enthusiastic conversations about collecting and curating these beautiful bits of history. Happy hunting!
The purpose of the International Perfume Bottle Association is to provide information and education about all aspects of perfume and scent bottles, compacts, purses, ephemera, and other related vanity items, including researching their uses, history, manufacture, and significance; to promote collecting of these items; and to promote fellowship among its members and outreach to other collectors.
Violets are low-lying, gentle flowers, and for the Victorians they symbolised modesty. Hence the expression “shrinking violet”, meaning a person who is very shy or modest and does not like to attract attention. But the violets in the […]
Did you miss the March 2nd special presentation on Lanvin by the esteemed expert and author Jean-Marie Martin-Hattemberg? He will delved into the world of Jeanne Lanvin, “the elegant magician” (1867 – 1946). We recorded the presentation, and […]
The IPBA’s annual convention is a perfume and vanity item buying spree and educational event that is not to be missed! See the schedule of events along with detailed descriptions of each event, and then Register!
Star Struck! Hollywood’s Golden Age of Glitter, Glamour, and Gowns Many of you may know Don as a longtime collector of Czech perfume bottles and former editor of the PBQ, but he also has an extensive collection of […]
COMPETITION RULES: 1. Eligibility This free to enter perfume bottle design competition is open to anyone who designs and creates an original perfume bottle*. This design may be of any medium (glass, metal, pottery, etc.). Only a tangible […]
The IPBA Website is not a selling site, but we do believe in connecting sellers and buyers. We are starting a new program where non-dealers* selling a family collection can place a paid notice on our website main […]
Do you have perfume bottles or vanity items that you are interested in selling? The PERFUME BOTTLES AUCTION, organized by renowned specialist Ken Leach, is the official annual auction of the International Perfume Bottle Association. This auction is […]
Email is one of the most important ways that the IPBA communicates with its members. We use it for: Monthly eNews newsletters Delivery of the digital Perfume Bottle Quarterlies (PBQs) Your IPBA website login username Membership renewal notices […]
Would you like to … Learn more about your collection? Become a more discriminating buyer? Meet others with your collecting passion? Learn how to care for and display your collection? If so, this is the place!
One of our annual convention events is Treasures Found, where our panel of experts reviews items submitted either in advance or in person, and seeks to identify the item and answer the submitter’s questions. We are NOW accepting […]
The IPBA is looking for 2025 Raffle and Collector’s Market Donations for our Portland Convention! Please help with these wonderful annual convention fund raisers by providing perfume and vanity related items for these events. The funds generated […]
To get the right information so that you can identify, insure, sell or simply appreciate your bottle you should become an educated consumer by researching your bottle or collection. That can be done via several avenues – reference […]
International Perfume Bottle Association
Incorporated in Illinois, USA