IPBA Dreaming of Writing a Book?

It’s no secret that vendors of perfume and vanity items play upon our fantasies.  This is an occasional series of articles on various youthful fantasies that are explored through perfume bottles and vanity items.

If your collection includes an item that applies to these themes, please submit them to our Virtual Museum, and we will add them to these pages.  See Submission Guidelines.

Have you ever dreamt of writing a book? Several of our IPBA members have done just that! A surprising number of perfume and vanity items tout the literary world of books, and the implements used to write them … such as pens, inkwells, and even typewriters (and no – I’ve never seen a novelty perfume in the shape of a computer). So come explore this theme with us!

International Perfume Bottle Association
Incorporated in Illinois, USA

© International Perfume Bottle Association