While ‘vintage’ may rule the days of Convention, the IPBA recognizes that every gorgeous bottle was at one time a sparkling new work of art. And from there the IPBA PERFUME BOTTLE DESIGN COMPETITION was born. The competition is free to enter, and is open to anyone who designs and creates an original perfume bottle or original perfume bottle sketch. The design may utilize any medium – glass, metal, pottery, etc. – and must fall between the designated design period between December 1 and March 1 prior to the Annual Convention, which is when the final entries are judged by ballot vote by members attending the convention. The top three are awarded cash prizes.
IPBA’s first Perfume Bottle Design Competition welcomed artisans from across the globe, each with his or her unique approach to design, materials, and function of what makes a desirable perfume bottle. The voting was close, and resulted in TWO TIES!
A hearty THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS to all of our winners!

NOTE: The pictured designs represent the intellectual property of the entrants.