The benefits of IPBA Membership alone are well worth the nominal annual dues. The resources and revelry we share in every discovery make joining and participating in the IPBA an amazing experience. You will learn and love the “thrill of the hunt” — and undoubtedly be amazed at the next irresistible find that waits for you. We can help you build your collections of bottles, vanity items, and friends!
By joining IPBA, you will expand both your knowledge and your collection. You will connect with a worldwide network of friends, buyers, sellers, and experts of vintage perfume bottles, purses, compacts, and vanity items.

- Website Resources — — a resource of visual and written information about perfume bottles and vanity items, designers and manufacturers, member-only events, and essential collecting tips on topics like things to look for when buying, tips for cleaning and displaying your items, and disposing of a collection.
- The Members-Only section features a Virtual Museum of over 10,000 items originating in 36 different countries, as well as nearly 225 Company Histories, multiple articles on specialty items, a glossary, and a world-wide list of perfume museums.
- Members can access an archive of 35 years of IPBA Perfume Bottle Quarterlies on our website. We’ve made one of our award-winning issues available to the public so that you can see what you are missing!
- As fitting for an international organization, our website has the ability to translate into 12 different languages.
- Members who have their own website (selling or informational) can have their website listed on our Member Resources page, as long as their website has a link back to ours.
- Members who are dealers and/or appraisers can have their contact information listed on our public “What Is It? What’s It Worth?” page.

- IPBA eNews, a monthly newsletter for all members with registered email addresses. It features current collecting news, auctions, research links, special events, and announcements exclusively for members.

- Perfume Bottle Quarterly (PBQ), IPBA’s award-winning, members-only magazine filled with articles, tips, and news related to collecting, events, research, rare finds, and IPBA comrades. It is a professional, glossy, color publication typically 28 pages (or more).
- Although you don’t have to be a member to advertise in our PBQ, members do enjoy discounted advertising rates. Those who place a year-long ad also get it displayed on our IPBA Marketplace page.
- Members who are vendors can be featured for free in a half-page “Seller Corner” article in our PBQ (contact IPBA Publications Chair).
- Members who’d like to share part of their collection can be featured in a half-page “Collector Corner” article in our PBQ (contact IPBA Publications Chair).

- IPBA Convention, the ultimate event that gathers collectors, dealers, and experts from around the world to share in educational seminars, symposiums, sales opportunities, and entertainment venues including the world’s largest perfume bottle and vanity item auction. Find out more about what our convention is like.

- IPBA Local Chapters and Specialty Groups help you make friends and develop closer relationships with fellow collectors in your region, or with similar collecting interests.

- Lending Library – The IPBA Lending Library is a collection of over 5,500 reference books, magazines, auction catalogs, DVD’s, CD’s and videos, with an online inventory. All are availabe for free loan to IPBA members. The only cost is your return postage.
- IPBA Membership Directory, a comprehensive list of members from every corner of the world and from every specialty collecting group. It helps IPBA members stay connected at home and abroad.
Studies show that children (and adults) start collections as part of their innate curiosity about things they find interesting as well as their desire to express individuality while being part of a group. IPBA’s Student Collectors Club for those from Second Grade through College to help them learn about bottle design and significance, how vintage vanity items were used, and how they continue to influence contemporary works.
The club also helps to establish a solid foundation for collecting by providing resources and connections for young collectors who are starting to build their collections.
Membership is easy, affordable, and supervised (for younger collectors). For more information and suggestions about engaging Student Collectors, contact IPBA’s Vice President at [email protected]